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Man’s Being

The existence of a living organism means that it has a kind of being. If there is being, then there must be different levels of being. There is the existence of plants, animals, humans. We can see that human being differs from the animal world, at least in terms of its mental and functional capabilities.

Everyday life and behavior of people look as if human being has only one certain level. In fact, the being of one person may significantly differ from the being of another one. Unfortunately, in the modern world, the word Being itself is used very rarely, and few people are even interested in their own being.

Being is not a quality of life and things like that. Being is the very existence of you. You rush every day in search of happiness, love, luck, money, survival, trying to get time to do something, but you miss your own Being, your own existence, while the key to actually living your life is in your Being.

The inability to feel one’s own Being means that the modern level of a person’s Being is very low. The lower the level of Being, the more mechanical is life itself – this means that physical, mental and emotional reactions occur automatically without any awareness and understanding, life is not lived, but mechanically rushes by. But once you think about it seriously, you may get a chance, a chance to find your own Path to liberation from mechanicalness and absurdity. Even if the rest of the world remains absurd, you can be your own Being, living and realizing Life!
