Death is the only indisputable fact that is known to every person. As a rule, we learn in childhood that a person is mortal, witnessing the death of grandmothers, grandfathers, and other relatives. Parents, it is unlikely that they can explain anything about death, if you used to ask them a question about death, then at best you could hear that it is too early for you to think about it. I was surprised from an early age why no one thinks about such, in my opinion, an important and obvious fact, because in comparison to this, all other facts that fill our life simply fade away.
But, in itself, the question of death leads to the question of the meaning of human existence, especially if we take into account the transience of human life, only some 70-80 years, at best. Considering the inexorable indisputability of this fact, it is completely foolish to consider this as some kind of purely abstract, philosophical topic. Of course, in youth, with its seething energy, there is no time for this, in a more mature age everyone is busy with their practical and family issues, in old age a person is more likely to be busy with memories and attempts to get enough of life. Thus, the majority, in fact, do not think about what awaits them at the end.
Of course, we initially have an instinctive fear of death that contributes to our survival, it works on a subconscious level, since it is a basic fear, it automatically remains at the subconscious level, and most people have their whole life there, without any attempts to approach this issue consciously. After all, the thought of the finiteness of one’s life is very frightening and quickly shows the absurdity and meaninglessness of most things that are customary to strive for in society. Most people prefer to leave this question at the unpretentious level of religiosity, the level of the child’s mind.
In addition, all other fears are derived from the basic fear of death. If in animals and in primitive man, these fears were tools for the survival of the species, then in modern man all derived fears have become exaggerated, not corresponding to place and action, turning into annoying fears, anxiety, worries, depression, etc., interfering with life, constituting everyday suffering, which is not even perceived as suffering, if it does not turn into more critical form. As derivatives of the basic fear, they are also in most cases locate in the subconscious, respectively, remain unconscious for a man.
Thus, without suspecting how many things are in the subconscious, a person believes that he leads a completely conscious life, has the opportunity to choose and the will to do, although most of the time he remains in complete illusion.
Death is the key that can give a person freedom, liberation from everyday suffering, total acceptance, and learn the purpose of human existence. It is enough, honestly, to look at what death is, and you will understand that everything that you know about yourself is nothing more than the idea of your mind about your personality, which is the so-called Ego. All these ideas can exist only in the presence of the organs of perception, and without the work of the brain they stop. You do not know anything about your real being, you do not know anything about what at least theoretically could endure death, all your ideas will definitely not endure death, all that you have, at best, is some kind of idea about a certain soul, but these are no more than imagination. Or maybe this soul needs to be created first, and initially a person has only the potential to create a real soul.
Treat the issue of death sincerely and consciously, and you will have the opportunity to find the Path, the Path that will lead you to liberation.
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